
Spotify on macos
Spotify on macos

spotify on macos

The wood chipper that is modern society can’t operate without sacrificing a few limbs! Installing and configuring spotifyd You’ll also need a Spotify Premium account for any of this to work. I assume basic familiarity with managing your machine via Terminal. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to set up these on your macOS machine. After switching software, I have an extra half-gig of memory that isn’t being wasted running yet another instance of Chromium. I decided to look for non-Electron alternative clients for all of those. Lately I’ve gotten especially annoyed at all of the Electron-based junk running on my machine, since I have to work from home, which means needing to use Docker to run or test out various Linux things, which is another 2 gigs of my laptop’s precious memory eaten away. We can only speculate why all these large companies with enormous engineering resources cannot use the money that I pay them for their services to make software that doesn’t suck, but that’s for another blog post.

spotify on macos

I’m writing this blog post on a maxed-out 2016 13” MacBook Pro, and it can barely keep up with all these Electron apps I need to keep running. Then it’s likely that Electron is to blame. the typing shortcuts you’re used to in macOS Just Don’t Work.

spotify on macos

scrolling, or playing a GIF or whatever in those apps, is incredibly laggy.your computer chugs to a halt once more than two of are open on the same machine.Free yourself from the Spotify desktop client with spotifyd Įlectron apps are a plague.

Spotify on macos